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Reverse Caption Contest

This week’s comic is my submission for the @rusty.creates Reverse Caption Contest.

“Rather than a traditional caption contest where participants write a witty caption for a context-less image, this is the reverse! Instead, you’ll start with a caption and have to create the cartoon that turns it into a punchline.”

When I read the prompt, “Dad?” this was the first idea that popped into my head, and I couldn’t shake it. After the initial sketch, I knew I just had to do it.

Drawing this comic was a lot of fun, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Check out some amazing single-panel comics and vote for your favorites!

Vote here.


Photo by Antonio Friedemann via

Having to drop a deuce in a public restroom is a horror in itself, so imagine sitting on an icy seat trying to escape a deformed Stoorish Hobbit that lurks in your workplace, scrolling through webcomics on the socials, and then the silence is shattered by the slam of the neighboring stall door.

And your peaceful private moment is interrupted by Turdzilla.

Continue reading “Turdzilla”

Paranormal Activity 3

Photo by Toni Cuenca via

In this final installment of my true-life ghost stories this Halloween season, we will visit the hauntings of my workplaces.

In my early twenties, before I got married and started my family, as well as before the events I described in my previous post, I worked at Burger King. After a short time, I was promoted to assistant manager, and my schedule changed from working during the day to working the closing shift three days a week and the opening shift two days a week.

During the morning shifts, before the sun rose and before any of my crew arrived, I began to notice unusual sounds different from the typical building creaks and the familiar bangs and clangs of machinery.

Continue reading “Paranormal Activity 3”

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