A Ghost Story

In the spirit of the Halloween season—the best season, I thought I’d share some spooky stories from our haunted home.

Yes. Our home is haunted. This is difficult because I am skeptical and unsure how ghosts fit into logic and science.

But I have experienced events that I cannot explain in multiple locations throughout my life, some much scarier than what I have encountered here.

When I first moved into the house that my beautiful better half had bought and lived in for at least seven years before we got together, I began to notice someone peeking around the corner at me in my peripheral vision.

I initially dismissed this, but it continued over the next two years while I sat in the living room and our bedroom. No one was ever there, and this would happen when I was home alone—or so I thought.

Eventually, I asked my girlfriend about the house. And after I mentioned the peeking, she knew what I was referring to because I had validated her experiences.

After that conversation, the pace of the activity appeared to increase.

The TV in our bedroom would come on by itself.

Late at night, we would hear someone walking down the hall, right up to our bedroom, stopping just outside the doorway.

While talking in bed, something began to pull the comforter down at the foot of the bed on my girlfriend’s side.

I was awakened in the middle of the night by a light slap on my ass, and no one was there.

Once, while doing the dishes, I thought I saw my 5-year-old son run into the bathroom out of the corner of my eye. The door was left open, so I went to check on him, only to find that he was sitting on the couch, lost in the world of Minecraft. No one was in the bathroom.

My 13-year-old daughter was up late in the living room, watching TV in the dark. She saw someone peek around the corner at her and assumed I was trying to scare her. She jumped up to catch me in the act, only to find no one there.

The activity in the house gradually quieted, with only the occasional glance around the corner.

The other day, as I sat in the living room with my family, I saw something peeking at me around the corner. Unlike previous incidents, I saw a glimpse of something looking around the corner near the ceiling. This thing was very tall.

It was unsettling because this was different from the usual sneak peek. However, since no one else noticed, I didn’t interrupt the conversation to point it out.

We never talked about these incidents in front of or with the kids because we didn’t want them to be scared or ignite their imaginations, causing them to freak out. Strange things would happen, and we all joked about the house’s unusual activity sometimes but never outright told them the house was haunted—until now.

After the girls spent a day seeing multiple shadows in the hallway and by the front door, we shared the spooky secret.

We have never felt threatened or in danger by whatever is here with us. Sometimes it can be a bit of a what the fuck moment, but never frightening. We see it as something coexisting with us, and we’ve told the kids not to be afraid. So the girl’s name is Charlie.

I did some research on the history of the house and found no documented death at our address. However, I know something or someone is here with us, and we’re ok with it.

But it would be great if Charlie would help with the dishes—I hate washing dishes.